Saturday night a few of my friends decided they wanted to go to the Buck for the last show this season. The Buck is this track down on the southern end of the county, not far from the Maryland line, where all the rednecks hang out and race their trucks. I have never been there before, so this was a new experience for me.
The night started out with some little beater cars competing in an obstacle course. They started out driving up a mud ramp and flying off it, they then had to drive around two large tires in a figure eight pattern, before driving off another ramp. Some of theses cars did pretty well, others had engine problems, and had to be towed off the course. One driver got a little carried away and rolled his vehicle!
Later in the night they brought out the trucks and had a competition to see who could drive the farthest through a large mud pit. It became more of a competition between the makes of the trucks (ford, chevy, dodge) than the actual people themselves :) I had to laugh.
It was fun, not something I'd do right away again though. They do have monster trucks come out and jump cars, and that I think would be fun to see sometime. Maybe next year.
Here are a few pictures from the night.
Erica and I
Bethany and Cindy sported their cowboy hats!
One of the cars doing the figure eight...