We had a great time together. Played some card games which inluded Dutch Blitz, and Hoss. We also spent time hitting the volleyball around out side. The one thing that took away from my mountain experience this year was the HOT weather!! It was in the 80"s durring the day. I could have kicked myself for not packing any shorts. I was so hot...we ended up turning on the AC in the cabin! Just not my idea of mountain weather. As you can see below, we still did cook hot dogs and marshmellows, it's just that it was in the comfort of our ACed cabin!!
Below are some pictures from the weekend:
Sam and Ben getting their fill of hot dogs.
(Yes there is a fire there, it's just hard to see)
Rochelle and Monica relaxing while they wait for hotdog
sticks....we only had two, and no one wanted to cut any
Dad and Sam
Time for back rubs!! (Rochelle's smile just crackes me up in this picture!) What great brothers we have!!!!!
A sideways view out the back of the cabin.
Sam planing out his next move.
A walk down the lane...
The leaves were just starting to change color.
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