Tuesday, August 28, 2007

White water rafting!

This weekend my small group went camping at Ohiopyle state park in south western PA. It really was a great get away. I typically only like to go camping about once a year, and that's plenty. But this past weekend was really very enjoyable. I'm convinced that if I'd get myself a small single air mattress, I'd love camping :) I think that's my biggest draw back to camping, is the sleepless nights and sore bones the next morning.
We spend a large part of saturday white water rafting! This was a first for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! We paddled our way through class 2 and 3 rapids...which were plenty big for me :) Between the 12 of us we had three rafts....only one of the groups flipped their rafts. They have a completely different take on rafting because of it, and plenty of bruises to show for it. Between rapids, we stopped to do some cliff jumping and swimming.
The rest of sat. we took pretty easy, as everyone was sore, and some of us brusied. It didn't rain much last weekend. (that's a surprise in it's self, The last 3 years I've gone camping it has rained, and was miserable.) We packed up camp sunday morning and then hiked a trail that led us behind a huge water fall. It was absolutely beautiful. I don't have any pics. to show, they are all on a friends camera :( So the weekend was a much needed break from life. Then monday it was back to the Books....Bio has proven to be a challenge. I know I can handle it, its just going to require a lot of sacrificed time studying away....trying to memorize, and memorize, and memorize some more!
The parts I can understand have proven to be very interesting :) haha.


kris said...

hi jennifer
thanks for the link
tell everyone hi!

Michawn said...

Nice...sounds like fun. Glad to see that you are sharing your blog treasure with others. :)