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You like my WHAT????
Ok, to bring you up to speed, last year I was working as a CNA full time at Garden Spot Village (nursing home). As of August I have been going to HACC to get my gen. ed's out of the way for my nursing career. Since then I've been working flex pool and GSV, and going to school part time. Well as it turns out GSV doesn't have enough of openings on first shift for me to be working on my days that I'm off school. So I decide to pick up another CNA job at Landis Homes, working PRN (as needed). (The only difference in working flex pool vs PRN (besides the pay) is that with flex, i'm required to work at least two weekend shifts per month, where PRN I can work when ever they have hours available, no stipulations.)
Ok, all that to say, yesterday I was working at Landis Homes, transfering on of my residents from her wheelchair to her recliner. In the process of working with her she mentioned she really likes my eye...*pause (I automaticly figured she was going to tell me she likes my blue eyes, as I get that comment from time to time. Welp I was wrong!!) What she actually said was that she really likes my eyebrows!!! WHAT?? I had to bite my tounge to keep from laughing. I have never, ever, had anyone compliment me on my eyebrows before, so that was a first!!
That's one of the joys in working in a nursing home, sometimes they say the darndest things! I even posted two pictures below, so you can see for yourself just what beautiful eyebrows I have! lol

Those are the most gorgeous eyebrows I have ever seen!!!!!!! :-) I LOVE older people. I esp. love to hear what they say. Some of it is just funny anyway, but the really senile or ones with dementia can be extremely hilarious (the fun, loves everyone kind of senile, not the violent/sad kind of senile). I'm sure you have many cute older people stories.
i think they are nice too!
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