Thursday, January 31, 2008

ScHoOL for real??

Oh, the joys of school!! So far my classes (English-Writing Arguments, Human biology, and pre-college algebra) have been fairly easy, that is up til yesterday! Things seem to have taken a turn, and I actually have to apply myself now. I know, I can feel the sympathy already...haha. I just finished taking an online algebra quiz, and there are just a few problems I can't seem to figure out. They are those lovely word problems....grrr, so frustrating!
In my biology class, my professor went from speaking understandable English, to a very confusing Greek..... I couldn't make sense of anything she was saying! So now I am making time to study, seeing as that might help, not to mention it becoming a good pattern to get into seeing that the classes to come are much more intense!

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