Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend with Monica

Rochell and I, along with another friend spent the weekend with monica at Messiah. Probally the last time that will happen before she graduates! So hard to believe she's been at college four years already.

Anyway, I have the pictures of the two paintings she's been working on this year. Her inspiration was worship .

She states: " Over the past year and a half I have been pondering the idea of worship, and what it means to be a true worshiper of God. Through this exploration these paintings have been conceived which compare two different attitudes of worship; habitual verses spontaneous. Many times worship can simply be something we do out of habit or duty because our faith demands it of us. It can become a formality, dull and lifeless. However, as being created to workship, there are also times that worship simply flows out of us with out any effort or thought. Neither one is better then the other, but both are needed in their own respect. God honors dilligence, however there is a need for pure emotion, it keeps us going giving us life and passion. A true worshiper finds a ballance between these two extreames and is content to worship where they are at."

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