It was refreshing to spend a weekend away from home and very exciting to see everyone again!
Michawn and
Kendie I wish you both could have been there! Because of being at a wedding
friday evening I didn't get to the cabin until late. I spent Saturday hiking to the top of the
mountain. Barry said there was a trail that lead up the side of the
mountain and so a group of us went to check it out. The path ended a quarter of the way up the
mountian....but we were determined to make it to the we
blazed our own trail, and it was a steep one!! The hike up was
challenging, but coming back down was rewarding! The rest of the afternoon was spent being lazy, reading, playing volleyball and some cards. Of course the night was finished off with a fire work display thanks to Jay, Steve and Hershel! Sunday we spent time sharing testimonies of Gods faithfulness in each of our lives. It was very good to be reminded of how awesome our God is!!
Below are some pictures from the weekend!
The "new" Cabin....and it's actually called the Martin's Cabin :)

A wonderful shot of Nick :)

A game of
Haus anyone??

The weekend would not be complete without at least one wrestling match!!

Rose and Nick

Pricilla, Cassandra, Monica, and Savannah watching the guys get bombarded with H2O balloons :)
Pricilla, Rochelle and Kari

These are pic.s of our hike. Here we are starting our
descent...lots of loose rocks. Below Jay is tossing a rock to see how far it would roll. It was quite steep.

The few, the proud, the most adventurous of hikers :) Thanks to Barry for blazing the trail....
THis is the view from the front porch....that mountain in the distance....yeah that's the one we hiked :) (can you tell I'm still impressed we did it??)

Micah and Pam

Sitting around the campfire
saturday night. Barry, Grandma, Grandpa, and Ben

A little midnight volleyball....
ok so maybe not quite midnight :)

Evan found a turtle!

Twins?? Nick and Alex

Cassandra, and Savannah


Judy and Chanel

Jackie, Doris and Les on the back porch

And last but not favorite picture :) Monica taking a break during our hike.